Milford National School, in the parish of Our Lady Help of Christians, Castletroy, was opened on September 1st 1982 with fifty-seven pupils and two teachers. Today the school has twenty-eight teachers, thirteen Special Needs Assistants as well as a secretary and caretaker and over 500 pupils on its roll. Milford is fortunate to have a very hard-working, committed and supportive Parents’ Council and Board of Management.
In the early years classes were taught in the Salesian Hostel and in prefabricated units until phase one, which consisted of just 4 classrooms, G.P. room, staff-room and principal’s office, was completed in 1995. Work on the construction of 8 more classrooms began in 1997 and four further classrooms were completed in the year 2000. Recent projects undertaken by the school have included the completion of a new classroom in 2007 and the opening of a wonderful gymnasium in 2008. Another classroom was completed in 2009.
Milford School offers a multi-faceted education which enables its young people to emerge as fulfilled and well-rounded individuals, whose innate and unique potential is fostered at all times. The school takes great pride in its pupils, their achievements and contributions, and also its teachers who maintain high and honourable standards and live up to a noble tradition.
The school offers a wide range of in-school and after-school activities. The school’s proximity to UL allows the pupils to utilize the excellent sporting facilities at their doorstep-weekly swimming classes at the Olympic-sized pool, use of the PE facilities at UL arena, easy access to lunch-time concerts and cultural events. Children in Milford who enjoy music can join the school band which already has made two CD’s- Oige Le Ceol and I Lar na Farraige. The school has won seven Green Flag environmental awards and it has had a Healthy Eating Policy since 1996. After school, children can choose from a wide range of sporting activities such as hurling, football, camogie, basketball and rounders, all coached by the teachers. Other activities include a homework club, in connection with the After-School facility adjoining the school, Speech and Drama, Irish Dancing, Art, a Shakespeare Club, a knitting club, Stage School and accordion/keyboard/tin whistle/Violin lessons.
In 2017 Milford NS celebrated its 35-year anniversary. Here is a summary of the history of Milford School from 1982 to 2017:
Over 35 Years A-growing:-Milford National School 1982-2017
- 1980 Salesians buy land in Milford Grange and build church of Our Lady Help of Christians
- 1981 Mr Thomas Browne is appointed to be the first Principal of the new parish school to be built on the site.
- 1982: Milford NS is founded and Tom Browne and Mary O’Shea (vice-principal) set up in two rooms in the Salesian hostel with 57 pupils
- 1983: Boys’ Football and Hurling team convened
- 1984: Girls’ Football and Camogie team convened
- 1986: Milford School Band inauguration
- 1987: Establishment of social and fund-raising links with Milford Hospice and Milford Care Centre
- 1990: First school exchange with École Jules Ferry in Quimper France
- 1994: Comenius Project: with Mellanhedskolen Malmo Sweden and Volkschule2 Austria
- 1994-1995: Finally we get a school building with 4 classrooms, a GP room, a staff-room and principal’s office
- 1995: First Basketball Team. First Fr Doran Memorial cup Competition in memory of Fr John Doran
- 1997: 8 new classrooms built
- 1999: Hallelujah Concert in Point Theatre Dubli
- 2000: 4 new classrooms added
- 2002: Milford School applies for first Green Flag for Litter Awareness and Local Area Improvement. Inner courtyard is developed.
- 2003: 21st Anniversary Concert
- 2005: Milford NS is awarded second Green Flag for Energy Awareness
- 2006: Refurbishment of school kitchen, offices and staff-room
- 2007: 25th Anniversary Concert. Milford NS is awarded third Green Flag for Water Conservation. Classroom 17 is built.
- 2008: Tom Browne retires after 26 years on September 12th. George Fitzpatrick (RIP) is appointed Principal of Milford National School Community Gym is finally completed.
- 2009: Kathryn O’Mahony is appointed Principal of Milford NS. John Nelligan is appointed Deputy Principal. Classroom 18 is completed. Milford School Vegetable Garden is built. Car-Park is extended.
- 2010: Inaugural George Fitzpatrick Memorial Cup. Infant Courtyard developed into Outdoor Classroom. Signage and Landscaping finished. Shakespeare Club is established.
- 2011: Milford School Choir founded. Wildlife Area is established.
- 2012: 30th Anniversary Concert to celebrate school of 500 pupils and 32 staff (including 25 teachers, classroom assistants, Secretary and Caretaker )
- 2013: Student Council is set up. ReadOlympics, Skip Hop and Whole School Art Exhibition are a huge success.
- 2014: FÍS Film entry, ‘One Bad Day’ dedicated to Aaron O’Flaherty R.I.P. is awarded the honour of “Highly Commended”. Minister Jan O’Sullivan visits our school. Igloo Maths Project is a huge success.
- 2015: 1st Edition of the ‘Milford Gazette’ is published. Students from both 4th classes collaborate with copper worker, Mark Wilson, on a copper project, Cruinniú na gCrann. STEM award for excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and Active School Flag Award.
- 2016: Awarded Digital School Of Distinction. Proclamation Day & 1916 Easter Rising Commemoration. Plaque of STEM Excellence awarded. Kathryn O’Mahony retires after 36 years in the teaching profession on April 8th. Diarmaid Moore is appointed Principal of Milford National School. Hermitage Green play a ‘gig’ in our school gym. U13 Boys created Milford NS history winning the Olo Cup for the first time in our history
- 2017: The Girls Athletics Team win the A-division for the first time in MNS history. School Band perform at the Anthony Foley Band Spectacular Tribute in Shannon Airport and with the internationally acclaimed traditional group Liadan. Fourth Class win National Fís Film Award for best direction “Emigrant Spirits”. Awarded a plaque in STEM Excellence. Visit from Sinead Kane – World Marathon Challenger 2017. U13 Girls are crowned City A Football Champions. School Choir record their first CD and are awarded first prize in the Midleton Choral Festival in County Cork. 35th Anniversary Concert – ‘Emerald Adventures with Peter Pan’ in UCH.