Clothes for Cash Collection
The Parents’ Council has organised a clothes-for-cash collection for Tuesday morning, April 13th, in Milford NS.
If you have any unwanted clothes, bed linen, shoes (in pairs), bags or belts, please put them in a black sack and keep them for our collection date. Please leave your bags of clothing on the grass beside the SET DOWN AREA in the Church Car Park.
Alternatively, if you wish to deliver your bags of clothing to the School Gym on the day before the collection (Monday, April 12th) you may do so between the hours of 3pm and 6pm. You may park your car in the staff car-park if you are delivering bags of clothes. Please DO NOT drive up to the staff car-park until after all of the children have left. Any time after 3pm will be fine.
It’s a great time to do a spring clear-out! All donations will be gratefully accepted.
Thank you in advance for your support, generosity and ongoing goodwill towards Milford NS. It is very much appreciated.
Many thanks,
Jean Flannery
(Chairperson Parents’ Council)