Registered Charity Number: 20128135 061-339123

There Will Be Time

By Emily Sweeney 4th Class

There will be time when I will say my first word,

There will be time when I can have a pretend sword.

There will be time when I can get a pup,

There will be time when I am all grown up.

There will be time when I can get a phone,

There will be time for a car to stop the moan.

There will be time to move out,

There will be time to get a bank account.

There will be time to fall in love,

There will be time when the ring will fit like a glove.

There will be time to venture in the wild,

There will be time to have a child.

There will be time when I get old,

There will be time when the world feels cold.

There will be time to pray to the lord

There will be time to say my last word…

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