One Day in Milford N.S. |
Girls’ Athletics Team |
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Boys’ Atlethics’ Team |
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Under 11 Hurlers |
![]() The boys reached the City Final and were very unlucky to lose by one point to St. Paul’s N.S. |
Thank You |
Our sincerest thanks to individuals and companies who have responded to our appeal for sponsorship and for supporting us through advertising. As you can imagine the initial outlay of cost in putting on a show of this calibre is considerable. For the last two shows many parents made financial contributions to help defray the costs. If there is any way you could help financially we would be very grateful. |
Happy Days Performance Club |
Limerick Primary School Drama Festival: Happy Days Performance Club recently competed in the Limerick Primary School Drama Festival where they performed “Aladdin”. They came in 2nd place on the day and did the school proud. |
Green Flag |
CONGRATULATIONS TO MR O’CONNOR AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE on winning Milford School’s fifth GREEN FLAG for their work on Biodiversity. It was a wonderful achievement for the school, the only school in Limerick City to have won five Green Flags. |
Seachtain na Gaeilge |
During Seachtain na Gaeilge we celebrated our native language through various activities. We wanted children to enjoy the celebration of our Irish culture through music, song, dance, art and most importantly through the spoken word. Children in the various classes were rewarded for speaking Gaeilge during the week, with stickers, prizes etc. Bhí dánta, amhráin, an Haka Gaelach, agus gníomhaíochtaí chultúrtha eile ar siúl i ngach rang. Quizzes as Gaeilge, seanfhocal and art competitions were just a few of the many activities which happened during Seachtain na Gaeilge. Lá Glas, Green Day, was the highlight of the week. Children were encouraged to dress in green, to be as festive and inventive as they liked in their costume; 6th class face painters were on standby in the morning to paint shamrocks/flags on faces. In the afternoon we ran a big Irish Céilí in the school yard, An Léim Amach Mór, where everyone cut loose for a while to trad, folk or rock. We even had visitors from Denmark participate in a version of ‘Riverdance’!This is our only fund-raiser for charity this Lent.All proceeds are going to the Shishu Bhavan Orphanage, Calcutta and the Christian Brother Railway School for Street Children. |
Diamonds and Pearls |
Milford National School celebrated 30 years of success in education in the University Concert Hall on 29th and 30th May 2012 with a spectacular extravaganza of Music, Dance and Costume! This 30-year anniversary celebration was entitled Diamonds and Pearls and all pupils from the school had the opportunity to take part. The show was professionally directed and choreographed by Jean, Pam and Gerdi McGlynn. A big thank you to everyone who helped to make the performances such an enjoyable experience. Please click below to view a slideshow of the performances.Backstage Slideshow Performance Slideshow |
Thank You Sister Paul for Everything |
Indoor Hurling Champions |
On Wednesday 29th February members of 3rd and 4th class were crowned City Champions in Rathbane. Our hurlers beat Monaleen NS in a closely-contested final , with Ian L scoring the all-important winning goal. We will now play in the county competition at the end of March. Both teams who played in the competition represented the school proudly. Many thanks to Nicola Twomey for providing transport on the day. |
Sacrament Classes |
Congratulations to the Confirmation class who did us all proud at the beautiful Confirmation ceremony on Friday February 24th last. The music, readings, responses, singing and decorum in the church were exemplary and all were a credit to our school. Well done, everybody and a special thanks to teachers Deirdre Chawke and Méabh de Buitléir for all the hard work and preparation, and also to the band leaders and musicians who performed so well on the day .Well done also to 2nd Class for the lovely Penance Ceremony. The children were excellent and many thanks to Máiréad O’Connor and Conor Griffin for the hard work and preparation in getting the children ready for this important sacrament |
Art Competition |
Congratulations to Fifth Class pupils Áine N. and Crystal C. on winning prizes in the recent Fairtrade Art Competition. The girls were presented with their prizes at the Launch of Fairtrade Fortnight in the Granary Building on Wednesday February 29th. Well done, girls! |
School Show |
Milford National School looks forward to celebrating 30 years of success in education in the University Concert Hall on 29th and 30th May 2012 with a spectacular extravaganza of Music, Dance and Costume! This 30-year anniversary celebration will be entitled Diamonds and Pearls and all pupils from the school will have a part. The show will be professionally directed and choreographed by Jean, Pam and Gerdi McGlynn and rehearsals have already started. Expect to be dazzled on May 29th and 30th!! |
Seachtain na Gaeilge |
During Seachtain na Gaeilge, 12th-16th March, and all this month, we are celebrating our native language through various activities. We want children to enjoy the celebration of our Irish culture through music, song, dance, art and most importantly through the spoken word. Children in the various classes will be rewarded for speaking Gaeilge during the week, with stickers, prizes etc. Beidh dánta, amhráin, an Haka Gaelach, agus gníomhaíochtaí chultúrtha eile ar siúl i ngach rang. Quizzes as Gaeilge, seanfhocal and art competitions are just a few of the many activities which will be happening during Seachtain na Gaeilge. Thursday , March 15th ,will be Lá Glas, Green Day, when children will be encouraged to dress in green, to be as festive and inventive as they like in their costume; 6th class face painters will be on standby in the morning to paint shamrocks/flags on faces. In the afternoon we hope to run a big Irish Céilí in the school yard, An Léim Amach Mór, where hopefully all can cut loose for a while to trad, folk or rock. This will be our only fund-raiser this Lent. The proceeds will go to Shishu-Bhavan Orphanage for Disabled Children in Calcutta. |
Green Flag Programme |
We are now nearing the final stages of our two-year cycle on Biodiversity and we will shortly be submitting our application for our 5th Green Flag . A new sign has been erected at the site of our Wildlife Area, which contains native trees, a log pile, butterfly, ladybird and bat boxes. This area will shortly be re-seeded by Mary Lillis, who has also been busy helping students plant potatoes in our raised beds at the other side of the school. Our recent Bird Survey shows that the Bird feeders have increased the number of Bird Visitors to our school by almost 60%. A CCTV camera has been successfully installed into the Bird Watch House at the back of the school- we are still awaiting a Bird Family to move in!! Well done to Mr O’Connor and the Environmental Committee for all their hard work! Thanks also to the Parents’ Council for so generously providing funding for our environmental initiatives. |
Rainbows |
Rainbows is a peer-support group for our young people grieving a death or parent separation or other painful transition. Rainbows will resume in the school on Friday afternoons from 2.50pm to 3.30 pm from March 9th to June 15th 2012. The Rainbows facilitators are trained adults and are all school staff members. Attendance at the sessions is free and all are welcome. |
EBS Handwriting Competition |
Lara from Emma Dolphin’s 5th class has been awarded 2nd place in the 5th/ 6th class category of INTO EBS handwriting competition, Limerick area. The presentation took place on Tuesday 6th March in the Pery Hotel, Glentworth St. Pictured below are Mr. Martin Leyden (manager of EBS), Ms. Siobhan Fenton (English co-ordinator Milford NS), Lara and her very proud brother, Shane! |
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Rose of Tralee |
![]() Tara was greeted in our gym by the pupils from Senior Infants, Third Class, Fourth Class, Fifth Class and Sixth Class. Ms. O’ Mahony introduced Tara to everyone and then two pupils from Ms. Rael’s Senior Infant Class presented Tara with a bouquet of flowers. A photographer from the Limerick Leader took photographs of some fortunate pupils with the beautiful Rose. These pictures were even printed in the City Edition of the Limerick Leader! Pupils from Ms. O’ Meara’s Class then entertained Ms. Talbot with a modern version of the Walls of Limerick. Tara really enjoyed their dancing and thanked them afterwards in her speech. She told the children all about her year so far as the Rose of Tralee – the countries visited, the people she has met and how much she was enjoying working with her chosen charity, The Hope Foundation. A big thank you also to Ms. Elaine Rael for organising the visit. We are all so delighted that Tara took time out her busy schedule to visit us. We wish her every success in the future and we hope that she continues to enjoy her stay in Ireland as the Rose of Tralee 2011. |
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Fitzpatrick Cup |
![]() Pictured above is Eoin M receiving the Fitzpatrick Cup on behalf of his team from Ms. O’ Mahony. |
It was a closely contested competition which ended in a thrilling final between Eoin M’s team and Sean O’ K’s team. Thankfully the weather was kind to us and twelve teams of children from 4th , 5th and 6th classes battled it out on the astro-turf in U.L. in the hope of becoming the new Fitzpatrick Cup champions!! Congratualtions to all the children who actually participated this year and a big thank you to the many teachers who helped out and to UL for allowing us to use their wonderful facilities. |
Clamped!!!! |
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Strange Visitors wandering the Corridors… |
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Gym Fund |
The Lotto has resumed and once again we thank you for your support. The Lotto is a valuable contribution to the financings of the new gymnasium which will give your children endless hours of pleasure over the coming years. Thank you, parents, who have contributed so generously over the past year. |
Milford N.S. Choir |
Milford School Choir is a two part choir made up of thirty five boys and girls from 4th, 5th and 6th classes. The Milford School Choir will compete in the Limerick Choral Festival on Friday March 2nd at 11am, in the Redemptorist Church in Limerick.The choir, under the direction of Ms. Linda O’Meara and Ms. Orla Rigney, was only put together in early 2011, but have many songs in their ever-growing repertoire.For the Limerick Choral Festival the choir will perform two contrasting pieces in two part harmony; “For the beauty of the earth” and “Rise and shine”. The choir are eagerly looking forward to their first public performance, after hours and hours of rehearsals!Coming up in May 2012- the choir will perform in the Cork Choral Festival, singing two new pieces in two part harmony. The date will be announced shortly, so watch this space!!! |
Music in the Classroom |
The “Music in the Classroom” concert, in association with the Irish Times, took place on January 19th and 20th in UL Concert Hall. The children from Juniors, Seniors, 1st and 2nd class had been busy listening to the concert CD and really enjoyed participating with the RTE Concert Orchestra in this great learning experience. |
Car Park Safety |
Due to safety concerns I would remind parents to use the path around the car-park when entering the yard in the mornings. We are trying to inculcate safety awareness in the children and to discourage the unsafe practice of crossing the staff car-park. |
Morning Line |
Infant parents, thank you for your co-operation in helping with the line-up of children in the morning. However we would appreciate if parents could promptly leave the yard at 8.55 a.m. on hearing the bell. It is important that children stand by themselves in their lines, but also, as a lot of children have to enter the school through one entrance each morning, it can get quite congested. |
New Board of Management |
Our new Board of Management, 2011-2015, was convened on December 1st and the first meeting was held on December 13th. The composition of the Board has now been completed and the members are as follows:Mr Liam de Búrca- Chairperson
Ms Karen Frawley- Treasurer (Parent’s Nominee) Mr David Williams- Parent’s Nominee Fr Koenraad Van Gucht- Patron’s Nominee Mr Diarmaid Moore- Teacher’s Nominee Mr Edmond Magner- Community Nominee Ms Mary-Rose Curtis McDonnell- Community Nominee Ms Kathryn O’Mahony- Principal and Secretary to the Board I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the members of the outgoing Board, and acknowledge the unselfish commitment, sense of volunteerism and selfless giving to the school and community, shown individually and collectively by these unbelievably generous people. Their legacy is evident in the many changes and improvements around the school, the tremendous work they have done for school management, fund-raising, school maintenance and for the support and friendship they have shown to the staff and personnel of the school at all times. A heart-felt “Thank You” to Kieran Hodnett, John Cannon, Noelle Kelly, Gerry Campbell, Siobhan Fenton, Yvonne McGuire and Fr John Campion. |
Some December Activities in Milford N.S. |
Junior Pageant |
Children from Juniors to Second performed their pageants in the church on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Many thanks to their teachers, classroom assistants and you also, Mums and Dads, for all your hard work and help to make this traditional rendition of the Christmas Nativity such a beautiful event. |
Christmas Choral Night |
Children from 3rd to 5th participated in this choral performance in the church under the direction of Ms O’Meara, Ms Reidy and Ms Rigney. In keeping with Milford’s tradition of helping needy children, the proceeds of the night went towards school resources and St Vincent de Paul. |
Christmas Carol Singing on Sunday |
The children sang at the 10.30 Mass and performed a reportoire of Christmas Carols immediately afterwards.The boys and girls raised over €700 for those less fortunate in the area . Proceeds will be used to purchase food and toys for needy families. A donation will also be made to Milford Hospice. Thank you so much to the children, teachers and staff members who participate every year, and to all the parents who support us in this very worth-while event. |
Milford N.S. Bookscape 2k12 |
December’s book is Benny and Omar by Eoin Colfer Please click here for more information… A little tip on how you will understand this book a little better….Note: Benny and Omar get to know each other through the language of “Telly Speak”. Both are big fans of the 70s TV show Chips.Check out this TV show for yourself through this link… Discussion pages: |
City Football Team Members |
Pictured above are members of the Limerick City Football Teams with their school coaches. The boys won the Sarsfield Cup and the Girls retained the Larkin Shield. We are very proud of thier achievements and look forward to seeing them in the Limerick jersey in the future. Well done to all involved. |
Girls are Champions!!! |
Congratulations again to Milford u13 girls who had a fantastic win when they won the Cumann na mBunscoil Final which was played in the Gaelic Grounds against Patrickswell on November 10th. The girls played a great match and were ahead all the way. We are all very proud of a brilliant and dedicated team!! Congratulations and thanks to Mr Nelligan for all the training. Pictured above are the victorious u13 footballers after receiving Corn na Modhscoile. The girls and their coaches deserve great credit for their efforts this year. |
Planting Native Trees |
Pictured below are boys and girls from Third Class with Mr. O’ Connor and Ted Cooke (native tree expert). Ted spent the day with all classes and demonstrated the important role that trees play in the environment.![]() ![]() |
Nature Walks |
Cycling Safety |
Hurling League |
Scary Classes |
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Presidential Election |
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Oak Tree Planting |
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Goshawk Visit |
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County Champions Visit |
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Rugby World Cup |
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Congratulations to Seán Cronin and the Irish Rugby Squad on their fantastic efforts in New Zealand. Seán is a past pupil of our school. We are very proud of his achievements. It only seems like yesterday that he was playing on the school hurling and football teams. |
School Car-Park |
Parents, please be advised that children need to follow the path around by the fence when entering (particularly in the mornings) and exiting the school. We are trying to keep children from crossing the staff car-park as it is unsafe to do so. Even when accompanying your child into or out of the school do please observe this important safety requirement to encourage good safety habits in your child. We would appreciate your co-operation with this important safety issue. |
Summer Works |
Electrical works have been taking place all summer, and new sockets were installed in all classrooms. Almost all the light fittings have been replaced and updated. New blinds were installed in most classrooms. Toilet floors in some classrooms were uprooted and replaced for improved hygiene. Mark has been working all summer keeping the school and grounds in pristine condition and all credit is due to him for the place looking so well. |
Infant Courtyard and School Garden |
You have probably noticed the beautiful pots of flowers and plants on the way into the school and in the front courtyard. This area is in the process of becoming an outdoor classroom and already there are benches there, and some butterfly and bird boxes are ready to be placed. Mary Lillis, our school garden adviser, has been very busy carefully watering and looking after the flowers and vegetables over the summer. Our pumpkins are coming along very well and we should have a bumber crop for Hallowe’en! |
Church Car Park |
Please advise the person collecting your child in the evenings to use only designated car-park spaces. The problem with parking has been largely alleviated due to the enforcing of rules re unauthorised personnel etc. Unauthorised cars will be clamped. |
Other Safety Issues |
Due to the building work being completed at the Salesian Hostel next door to the school we are asking parents and children to continue to be extra-vigilant when entering and leaving the school premises. It has been agreed that there will be no deliveries during school opening and closing times. However it is always advisable to exercise caution in the vicinity of any building work. |
Sports Activities |
The autumn sporting season has commenced and football training starts this week. Organisation of the teams is as follows:u/10 Boys: Coaches: Siobhán Fenton and Diarmaid Moore u/11 Boys: Coaches: Brian Kelly and Gemma Ryan u/13 Boys: Coaches: Denis O’Connor, Mick Graham (Claughan) and Emma Dolphin u/10 Girls: Áine O’Sullivan and Declan Kinnerk u/13 Girls: John Nelligan, Angela Dunne and Kathryn O’MahonyBasketball training will take place in Milford School Gym from mid-October on Mondays and Thursdays. Basketball training for boys and girls will be co-ordinated by Sandra Larkin and Karen Walsh. Coaches: Noreen and Gerry Campbell.Many thanks to these very dedicated people who give voluntarily of their time and expertise to coach and organise teams, and accompany children to matches at this very busy time of the year. |
Enrolments |
There are 140 applications on file for the Junior Infant classes for Sept 2012 and there will be only 60 places available. Priority will be given to siblings of children already in Milford. Please apply to the school, immediately, if your child qualifies under the sibling rule. |
Gym Bookings |
Many activities are available for children and adults in the school gym and also in the school hall. Pilates, Yoga, Ballet, Zumba Dance, Taek-Wan-Do, Weight Loss classes and Modern Dance are all on offer, to name but a few. Check out the available activities on our school web-site. |
Lotto |
The Lotto draw takes place every Thursday. Many thanks for your loyal support of this vital fund-raising activity. |
School Closures |
Information on school closures for the coming year has already been sent home in the school-bag. This information is also posted on the web-site. |
Tennis Champ |
Congratulations to Laura on winning the u/10 Shreddies’ Tennis Final at Limerick Lawn Tennis Club during the summer! Well done , Laura |